Under söndagen höll jag ett kort anförande på IPU:s 124 session om vår utgångspunkt beträffande hållbar utveckling. Utgångspunkten från svensk sida är att stater ska ta ett globalt ansvar och inte att försöka undgå sådant ansvar för att enbart fokusera på egna nationella särintressen.
Här nedan finns mitt anförande, som egentligen tar sikte på ett antal olika förslag från Venezuela som innebär att det internationella ansvaret ska tonas ned till förmån för att varje stat ska få bestämma mer vad man vill göra inom sitt territorium.
"Mr Chairman, colleague parliamentarians!
Coming back to what my Swedish colleague earlier said – Sweden welcomes this draft resolution, but there is always room for improvement. That is why we have suggested a number of proposed amendments.
In general, I think that environmental issues will play a greater role in the international community and hence of international law. A single states action rarely affects only the neighboring territory. This is obvious in the case of domestic production and the emissions that affect air and water. But this also applies when we import and consume goods produced in a manner that result in harmful environmental effects in someone else's backyard.
A global responsibility also requires a local responsibility, and responsibility extends beyond our state borders. I do not like that certain countries suggested amendments that seek to distance from a global responsibility, and - through the suggested wordings - put their own interests ahead of a general ambition to achieve sustainable development for the benefit of all people.
When a state's actions affect conditions in another state, this becomes a multilateral issue and because of this the perception of a number of states is not in compliance with what a state is permitted to do. These are our starting points that have guided us from Sweden when we have taken position and decided to support other suggested amendments.
Thank you for your attention!"
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